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Go into all the world...


Mission: Medellin planning meeting is March 3 at 11:30AM.

Commit and travel with us to Medellin, Colombia! Visit the land of 'eternal spring.'
Work side by side with local leaders to impact lives for Jesus Christ through VBS, Youth festivals and personal relationships!



Global Mission Partners

CART: Cambridge Area Resource Team (Local)

We believe that there is no singular answer to helping families in need--every little bit helps when it comes to making an impact. There are many meaningful ways you can help us succeed in our mission. 

Cambridge Area Resource Team, will strive to provide confidential assistance that brings together resources to our neighbors (Individuals/Families/Elderly/Homeless) in our local Cambridge community to help meet their basic human needs.


Helping Hands

Jon & Kathy Christiansen (Zimbabwe)

God made you to share the Gospel with a world in need. But finding your place in His great plan isn’t always easy, and you shouldn’t have to do it alone.

At TEAM, we don’t believe in one-size-fits-all missionary roles. Our missionaries are artists, doctors, pastors, teachers, baristas, farmers and just about anything else you can imagine. TEAM experts will help you explore your passions and find opportunities where you can thrive. And that’s just the beginning...


Image by Roman Nguyen

Owen & Staci Cooper (US)

Owen and Staci, along with their seven children, serve at Living Word Fellowship in Whitewater, WI. Owen serves as the Year-on-Missions Manager with Tentmakers that equips and empowers disciples of Jesus to live out their God-given calling while transforming culture through Christ, one relationship at a time living their lives on mission to the community and by leading others to bring out their Christ-honoring best pursuing lifelong learning, and by seeing work and ministry as one.



Steven and Jessica Grahmann (US)

The Grahmanns serve with Intervarsity Christian Fellowship at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, Arizona. Their work is primarily with undergraduate college students. They also have a ministry with Native Americans on campus. 



Joel and Tiffany Whitlock (US)

Joel and Tiffany work with Jason and Tracey daily. They work in media--website, email, social media and other administrative and technology areas.Tiffany manages hospitality/housekeeping and the administrative responsibilities. Both Joel and Tiffany work directly with youth groups and Summer camps. They work closely with the Young Adult groups and the DTS (Discipleship Training School) to train missionaries and others who lead foreign outreaches. They both work with local high schools in West Virginia in the areas of tennis and Wyldlife.




Allen and Dori Swensen (US)

The Swensons serve with Ethnos 360, which has missionaries in 26 countries who are presenting the Gospel to new language groups.  Al is the Campus Pastor at the Center for Intercultural Training in North Carolina.  He looks after the spiritual needs of the staff and missionaries in training, and teaches second language acquisition.  Dori helps with hospitality.  



Missionaries in Foreign Places (World)

Willerup supports missionaries in countries where their identities must remain protected. These specific missionaries work with pastors and university students, business people and in foreign governments. Some of these missionaries influence hundreds of thousands of Christians in more than 50 different countries.







Leslie Miehe (Minneapolis, MN) 

Leslie is a Cambridge native and grew up attending Willerup.  She has been living in the Minneapolis area since graduating college.  After a more than a decade career, the Lord has called her into full-time missions.  Leslie is a missionary with SEND International and will be working in their North American Diaspora region, in the Minneapolis field.  She is a part of a small team who will be building relationships with individuals in a large unreached people group community.  The team will share the truth of the gospel in the context of trusting relationships.  The prayer is to create a culturally reflective reproducing gathering of Christ Followers.  The team will also be mobilizing the local church to reach cross cultures in their own communities.  Leslie is excited to be a part what God is doing with the nations and cultures that are coming to our own door steps.




Missionaries in Foreign Places (World)

Willerup supports missionaries in countries where their identities must remain protected. These specific missionaries work with pastors and university students, business people and in foreign governments. Some of these missionaries influence hundreds of thousands of Christians in more than 50 different countries.

Image by Tatenda Mapigoti

Les and Karla Ely (US, East Asia)

Les and Karla are serving the LORD with Navigators. They are based in Seattle, Washington and travel to East Asia and Mongolia providing staff care for teams there. When in Seattle, they lead a team that reaches various ethnic communities through evangelism and discipleship, while training and mentoring young people to go into the nations with the Gospel message.



Image by Thom Milkovic

Jason and Tracey Whitlock (US)

Jason and Tracey serve with Youth With a Mission are involved with Youth Ministry and drug prevention in an area hit hard by the opioid epidemic. They work closely with addicts and get them to rehab. They also work with people of all ages that suffer from addictions, poverty, and hopelessness. They run a 5 month training school called DTS (Discipleship Training School) what helps people know God and make Him known. Their outreach targets the unreached people in Asia and the Himalayan Region. They are connected with the disaster relief in Haiti, Nepal and flooded areas of the US.





Chad and Kathleen Selje (US)

Chad and Kathleen Selje live in Vancouver, British Columbia and serve on The Navigators of Canada Campus Leadership Team where they lead 25 staff at 10 universities. Even amidst cultural pressures, college students continue to hunger for Jesus and the nations are moving to Canada! In Canada over 25% of students are internationals who arrive with a strong desire for community and spiritual guidance. Some of these students will return home after graduation, but many will stay as new disciples of Jesus and influence their Canadian neighbors with the gospel.


Thompson Correctional Center (US)

Thompson is located in Cambridge, WI. Ministry is done with inmates during their incarceration as well as their families--especially for individuals who are ready to be released back into society. Dale Koplin and Ken Schemenauer lead Bible Study Monday nights.


For more information, please contact 





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